Counseling at the Altar

Why People Come To The Altar?

  1. To be saved. John 1:12 Know the plan of salvation
  2. To pray over heavy burdens. Galatians 6:1-2
  3. To repent of sin and seek victory over it. I John 1:9
  4. To surrender life to God. Romans 12:1-2
  5. To get counseling over personal problems, troubles. 2 Cor. 1:4
  6. To seek filling of the Holy Spirit. Luke 11:9-13
  7. Assurance of Salvation. Philippians 1:6 / John 10:28-29/ 3:36/ 20:31

How To Deal With Seekers At The Altar.

  1. Your approach: Isaiah 50:4 "The Lord prepares my tongue..."
    • Be ready always. Bible/References
    • Come when they come and as Spirit leads you or pastor asks
    • Have no B.O. or bad breath - have breath freshener handy
    • Choose someone of the same sex, if possible.
  2. Approach them prayerfully and carefully - Galatians 6:1-2
    • Some people just want to be left alone.
    • Some people don’t want to talk to anyone but the pastor
    • Some dysfunctional people may just want attention
  3. Ask questions.
    • Can I be of any help?
    • Do you know why you came forward?
    • Are you saved, know it, sure?
    • Can I pray with you about anything? Gal 5:1-2/ James 5:16
  4. Listen to what they say. - 1 Cor. 2:9-10 "He reveals unto us by his Spirit."
    • Listen to the Holy Spirit - discernment!
    • Listen to their heart cry - discernment!
    • Listen to their problem - discernment!
  5. Answer with Scripture.
    • Have "your" Bible.
    • Have Scripture in mind or marked in back of Bible.
    • Let them read the verses you refer to - out loud.
    • Be sure to share the "promises" of God.
  6. Be ready with helpful literature.
    • Salvation: Four Spiritual Laws
    • Rededication: My Heart Christ's Home
    • Holy Spirit Filling: Campus Crusade/ Tozer/ etc.
    • References to good Christian Books:
    • Christian's Secret of a Happy Life - Hannah Whitall Smith
    • Where Is God When I Hurt - Phillip Yancy
  7. Pray for and "with" them.
    • Encourage them to pray out loud first
    • Then you follow by "covering" them with prayer
    • Don't be afraid to put your hand on them as you pray.

Altar work is serious work. You are entering on holy and unholy ground. Always beware of temptations from the enemy, confusion from the enemy, and attacks of the enemy.

Men are best praying with men and women with women. If at all possible solicit the help of godly women of the congregation that can give good counsel, advice, and pray with seekers.